Feldlinien (2013)
for steel-string guitar

Recording: Andrés Nuño de Buen, guitar

Grabación: Andrés Nuño de Buen, guitarra

Written between 2012 and 2013. Premiered in 2014 by Martin Steuber at the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, Germany.

Published in the first issue of Huun: Art / Thought from Mexico magazine.

Revised version of the score - contact me for the full pdf: andresnunodebuen@gmail.com

Feldlinien at Fernando Vigueras’  “Urdimbre” (fragment)
Video: Mónica García

I am very grateful to Fernando Vigueras for the profound work of interpretation and analysis that he has dedicated to this piece in the context of his research “Urdimbre: la guitarra como objeto, espacio de experimentación y organismo sonoro”, with which he graduated from the Master's Degree in Performance of the Postgraduate Program in Music at UNAM.

Video-score (first versión of the score): Mexican Scores